Thursday, March 12, 2009

(Your Name here)

The holidays for the Mortin family was like the circus had just came to town flying a trapeze and all.
Janis hated the holidays almost as much as she did her a lack for better words love/ social life.
She didn’t like the whole idea of her complete dysfunctional family being in one house hold with wine and knifes. The mere thought sent shivers down her spine.

The Mortin family had a way of turning holidays into a full out a brawl of what they thought was just opinions and views that if you didn’t share the views of one person you we’re completely done for.
Janis tried to stay out of family conversations as much as she could, She thought of her self as a very opinionated women. For as much she had spent on college she damn well better be. She chuckled at the thought .
Janis’s Love life became the topic of dinner that evening as usual a argument started over something that didn’t concern anyone but Janis. She tried to keep quiet as the voice levels had increased to a decimal where Janis couldn’t even hear her mental thoughts. The argument had gotten to the point where ears were ringing and classes were shattering finally Janis’s grandmother a rather quiet soft spoken women broke in the conversation the loudest anyone had ever heard her. “THAT WILL BE ENOUGH! Leave the Poor girl alone who she dates or doesn’t date is none of our concern.” The older women Regained her seat and continued eating flashing a smile over as Janis. She returned a mouthed thank you expressing her gratitude .
“Janis there has to be some young man that has caught your eye recently” her uncle Burt chimed in obviously not remembering what his mother had just expressed to the family in a way that people in the international space station could understand. “Burt you never were a great listener I Said leave the girl alone’. Janis 23 years old was hardly a girl and her roommate would definitely verify that from their college years together . She may have been quiet in big groups or even in classes but when it came to lovers in the bed room she was the farthest from a little girl.

After dinner they all filed into the living room to unwrap presents . The fire was lit the tree lights were on every one sat down in complete silence as the first name tag was read it was as if the gate on the corral was broken. The family ripped through the paper like it was a bomb counting the last few seconds..
Janis just sat next to the extremely hot fire place sipping her wine. It was always a great joy watching the barbarians rip through colorful papers and light up like mini Christmas trees when they seen what was underneath.
Janis then heard her name being screamed she knew from that someone expected her to move from her state of seclusion. She moved towards her cousin mark not exactly the sharpest tool in the shed but he made his way. Taking her original seat again Janis sat there she looked around noticing everyone was staring at her. The look on their faced reminded her of a pack of wolfs staring at their latest feast. “ Oh lets see what’s in side im so excited!” ( * a little bit of fake enthusiasm never killed anyone right?*) Unwrapping the colorful mess in which was these days called a present.

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